Office and hotel construction

We create modern office and hotel spaces.
Low and high current electrical services for various engineering structures are Elektromontaż's speciality. With extensive expertise and long experience, we are able to offer all our customers a second-to-none service and quality.
X20 office building in Warsaw
Investor: X20 Sp. z o.o.
Implementation: IV Q 2019 – IV Q 2020
Scope of works: installation of high-current and low-current systems
Centrum Południe office complex in Wrocław – stage I
General Contractor / Employer: Skanska S.A.
Implementation: III Q 2019 – IV Q 2020
Scope of works: installation of high-current systems
Business Garden office complex in Wrocław
General Contractor / Employer: Hochtief Polska S.A.
Implementation: III Q 2017 – I Q 2020
Scope of works: installation of high-current and low-current systems (for buildings B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B9), including preparation of detailed designs
GIANT OFFICE commercial building in Poznań

General Contractor / Employer: BUDIMEX S.A.
Implementation: IV Q 2018 – I Q 2020
Scope of works: installation of high-current, low-current and sanitary systems
Wola Retro office building in Warszawa
General Contractor / Employer: Budimex S.A.
Implementation: II Q 2018 - II Q 2019
Scope of works: delivery, assembly and commissioning of electrical and telecommunications systems
IBIS STYLES hotel in Warszawa
General Contractor / Employer: Warbud S.A.
Implementation: I Q 2018 - III Q 2018
Scope of works: installation of high-current systems
Office complex -Rajska/Heweliusza Str. in Gdańsk
General Contractor / Employer: Budimex S.A.
Implementation: III Q 2017 – II Q 2019
Scope of works: installation of high-current and low-current systems
PIXEL 3 Office complex in Poznań (buildings no: 4,5,6)

General Contractor / Employer: SKANSKA S.A.
Implementation: II Q 2017 - III Q 2018
Scope of works: installation of high-current systems
„Retro Office House” complex in Wrocław
General Contractor / Employer: Budimex S.A.
Implementation: II Q 2017 – II Q 2019
Scope of works: installation of high-current systems
Bałtyk Tower office building in Poznań

General Contractor / Employer: PORR Polska Construction
Implementation: I Q 2016 – III Q 2017
Scope of works: installation of high-current and telecommunications systems
Pixel office building in Poznań

Construction site: Office building Pixel in Poznań (one of the five in a complex of modern office buildings called Klaster Grunwaldzka)
Investor: Garvest Real Estate
Project: JEMS Architekci
General Contractor / Employer: Budimex SA
Implementation: IV Q 2011 - III Q 2012
Scope of works: 15 kV MV cable service lines from substation K-18 and MST-152 to the building; complete high-voltage mains system, including but not limited to: MV power supply, lighting systems, the internal power supply line and 0.4 kV main switchgears.
University Business Park in Łódź

Construction site: University Business Park in Łódź
General Contractor: Strabag Sp. z o.o.
Implementation: III Q 2008 – III Q 2010
Scope of works: the complete delivery of high-current installations in office buildings particularly included: power supply, power distribution, cable routing; internal power supply lines, distribution and input panels; installation of lamp casings; receiving installations; installation for lightning protection, grounding and potential equalization; emergency lighting fixture management; outer blinds controls; driveway heating system; vestibule heating system; groundworks to provide outer lighting, power supply for railway barriers and intercom installation; power supply for smoke dampers and ventilation of staircases and garages
Andersia Tower in Poznań

Construction site: Office Building Andersia Tower in Poznań
Employer: Hochtief Polska
Investor: GI Probuilt Sp. z o.o.
Implementation: III Q 2007 - III Q 2008
Scope of works: power systems, including, among others: basic lighting systems, evacuation and emergency lighting systems, plug-in sockets, delivery and installation of 30 items of LV floor switchgears, as well as structural cabling within low-voltage systems
RONDO ONZ office building in Warsaw

Construction site: Office building Rondo ONZ in Warsaw
Investor: Hochtief Development
Implementation: I Q 2004 - IV Q 2005
Overall area: 106,000 sqm
Cubature: 308,000 cbm
Scope of works: the high current undertakings of Elektromontaż Poznań includes the following: a 2500 KVA generator, 13 1250 and 1600 KVA cast resin transformers, 28 line medium voltage switchgear, 18 low voltage main switchgears, 364 low voltage switchgear panels, more than 1000 m of 800-3600 A busbars, more than 200 km of cables and wiring, approx. 23,000 lamp fittings, 10 km cable conduits (including E-90 certified fire resistant conduits), design documentation and as-done documentation
Topaz 2 office building in Warsaw

Construction site: Office building Topaz 2 in Warsaw
Investor: Globe Trade Centre S.A. (GTC)
Implementation: I Q 2005 - II Q 2006
Scope of works: execution of complex electrical works, including among others: LV transformer and switchgear stations, cable routes, fire protection for power distribution systems, non-lighting power consuming installations, emergency lighting, earthing, control and monitoring systems, general lighting, emergency power supply using generator, assured power supply system using UPS’s
Globis office and shopping buiding in Poznań

Construction site: Globis office and shopping building in Poznań
Investor: Globe Trade Centre S.A., Warsaw
Implementation: II Q 2002 - I Q 2003
Area overall: 18,000 sqm
Cubature: 59,000 cbm
Scope of works: high current electrical services including cabling conduits, lighting, terminal and process switchgear, and the building power supply distribution mains; as well as telecom services including the fire detection system, emergency alert network, anti-burglary and anti-assault monitoring, and BMS monitored CCTV with access control
PGK office buiding in Poznań

Construction site: PGK office building in Poznań
Investor: Poznańska Grupa Kapitałowa Ltd.
Area overall: 29,000 sqm
Cubature: 116,000 cbm
Implementation: I stage IV Q 1998 - III Q 1999
II stage II Q 2002 - I Q 2003
Scope of works: high current electrical services including the initial documentation, medium voltage switchgear, building power supply distribution mains, 380V, lighting, earthing, and lightning arresters.
Fibres were used in the lighting systems.
Sonata PPL office building in Warsaw

Construction site: Sonata PPL office building in Warsaw
Investor: PPL Porty Lotnicze
Employer: Budimex Unibud
Implementation: IV Q 2000 - I Q 2002
Scope of works: 15/04kV transformer, two 100kVA transformers, medium voltage 15 kV switchgear, main low voltage switchgear, terminal connector, and high current services.